[SELF] Development Mentorship

Get in tune with your true [self] and live your most authentic life.

Oftentimes we make choices in life based on the best interest of others instead of ourselves and that’s because we’re caring and compassionate people. We care about those around us and want to create positive relationships with others.

But what happens when you keep making choices based on those around you and ignoring your own needs and desires?

  • You keep doing things you don’t want to do

  • You feel resentful towards those in your life

  • You often feel frustrated or angry

  • You can’t remember the last time you had fun

  • You have bottled up emotions that go unexpressed

  • You struggle making decisions and often feel regret

These feelings of resentment and frustration do not serve you or those around you. Luckily, you can learn to honor your needs and desire so you can show up in life as your loving, compassionate, and happy [self] - your true [self].

I teach women practical steps to tune into their true [self].

Hi, I’m Jessica.

Getting into this work can feel overwhelming, but I promise to be your guide and break down each step in a way that makes sense. You will walk away understanding the benefit and practical application of how to tune into your [self].

I teach the Key Elements of [Self] Development and the tools necessary to truly embody this work. Below are some of the tools I teach clients how to use:

  • Pause

  • Slow down

  • Breathe

  • Journaling

  • Self love

  • Creating space

  • Awareness

  • Body scanning

  • Imagination 

Many people struggle with really understanding how to practice these tools. Luckily, there are many ways to use each tool which means we can experiment and find what works best for you.

Key Elements of [Self] Development

[Self] Awareness is the first key element of [self] development. Becoming aware of thoughts, behaviors and emotions is necessary for this process of [self] development to take place. This requires learning how to slow down and reflect on different experiences that come up to assess current behaviors and bring about desired changes.

[Self] Love is another key element that must be continually tended to throughout this work. This kind of love does not come easily to most of us because we are more often taught to criticize ourselves rather than love ourselves. Through [self] love we learn to become lovingly aware of areas that need improvement and find gentle ways to change those patterns.

[Self] Embodiment is the last key element in [self] development. Our body is our internal compass and it will give us the answers that we seek as long as we’re listening. If we can learn to stay present and tune into the body, we can hear the messages it is trying to tell us. Once we learn to hear what the body is saying, we can then take action in the direction of what makes us feel good.

What can you expect from [self] development?

Once you learn the basic tools of [self] development and learn to integrate them into your life, you will be prepared to navigate your life experience in a different way. The way you move through your days will feel more integrated and you will continuously make choices that serve you and ultimately those around you. 

Through this deeper connection to [self] you will:

  • Feel more love and compassion towards those around you

  • Feel energized and passionate when you take action

  • Know what it feels like when you receive an invitation that is in alignment

  • Feel a sense of peace and ease as you move through your daily experience

  • Know when your emotions are building up and how to feel and release them

  • Feel more confident sharing your thoughts around people that feel like a safe space

  • Feel more confident making decisions and trusting your insights

[Self] development brings you into alignment with your true [self] which is where life feels good. It is here that you take inspired action and make decisions based on your own needs and desires. And the paradox here is that when you take care of yourself first you have more to give to those that you love. I invite you into this journey to allow your[self] to unfold and start to feel good in this one life you have been given.