The Challenges of Life Transitions

Transitions feel like a state of chaos. There are so many unknowns and our system is trying to make sense of the mayhem. For some this could look like running in circles trying to solve a problem, and for others it might look like zoning out to make the pain fade. It all depends on your nervous system for how your body will respond. Ultimately our system, energy, and attention are focused outside of ourselves, looking for impending danger or trying to solve the problem standing in front of them.

And this further fragments us during a time that we need to connect with ourselves the most. 

Sometimes we feel broken during a transition, and sometimes we feel overwhelmed. Either way, we are uncomfortable in some capacity. Our [self] is being stretched to its capacity and to its edge. We are touching the jagged edge of ourselves where we have not been asked to go before. Sometimes we feel ready and excited to touch that edge, and sometimes we feel scared to explore those unknown places. 

We usually like to hang out at our core, where we know what to expect. We know how to show up in the world and know that taking a certain action results in a certain outcome. We feel comfortable here, where we have been living most of our lives. It’s not to say that ‘here’ is really the best place for us. A lot of the behaviors and coping mechanisms we have developed over the years have managed to keep us safe, but not necessarily thriving.

And that’s what our heart and soul really wants to be — thriving.

Which brings us back to this uncomfortable experience of change and transition. This is really where the magic happens. This is where we become our fullest and most capable version of ourselves. I want you to recognize that you have been going through transitions your entire life, since the day you were born. But when you were younger, you were not as aware of these transitions because you were already learning so much on the day to day. 

When we are older though, these transitions are painfully obvious because we have likely found a groove in life that feels good. And when that groove is interrupted, it hurts. Which is why we might need more support during these transitions later in life.

If you are going through a transition and would like assistance in moving through the experience in a gentle and loving way, I invite you to check out my offerings to see if anything resonates. Transitions might hurt to some degree, but they can be navigated with grace and ease when approached with intention. 


Embracing Change: Navigating the Transformative Journey of Life Transitions


Mastering Life Transitions: A Guide to Graceful Progress